Bodybuilding and Hypertrophy Programs

All bodybuilding training programs can be followed for a minimum of 8 weeks.

Personalized bodybuilding program -100$ USD

Programs will be designed to fit your goals and needs after a preliminary email to OP@OriginalPhysiques.Com

Nicholas Witzcak

Strength and powerlifting coach


For a one time fee, Original Physiques will design you a training program suited to your goals and needs. This package includes one personalized training program with no nutritional guidance, weekly check-ins or monitoring of progress.

Michael Edgar

Bodybuilding and nutrition coach

Practical and Formal Knowledge

Competitive Bodybuilder, B.KIN., attaining doctorate of chiropractic, Canfit-PTS

Powerlifting and Strength Programs

Powerlifting programs will be designed in either 10, 15 or 20 week blocks by Original Physiques powerlifting program consultant, Nicholas Witzcak.

Personalized powerlifting programs

1. 10 weeks - 100 USD

2. 15 weeks - 125 USD

3. 20 weeks - 150 USD

Programs will be designed to fit your goals and needs after a preliminary email to OP@OriginalPhysiques.Com

Personalized Training Programs